Sunday, March 15, 2020

What is an Executive Recruiter - Your Career Intel

What is an Executive Recruiter - Your Career IntelMost Millennials dont associate the word easy with todays job market, and I dont blame them. An unstable economy combined withsizablestudent loan debt means that many of todays graduates are settling for jobs outside their dream field. By thinking creatively about job opportunities, however, Millennials are finding that there may be more career possibilities to pursue than they initially thought.It is likely that becoming an executive recruiter is not at the top of a recent college grads dream job list in fact, few Millennials are actually familiar with what executive headhunters do. But for Millennials who are intellectually curious with an insatiable drive to sell and learn, executive recruiting just might be the perfect fit.So, what is an executive recruiter and why might this be a great job? If youre a recent college grad, consider the following1 You like a challenge. Think of executive recruiting as big game hunting youre always on the prowl for the perfect client. You need a hunters mentality to leverage social media, job board searches, networking and even cold-calling untilyouveidentified the perfect job candidate. If you rise to the challenge with laser-like focus on success, you could make a great recruiter.2 Youre naturally curious. The ability to learn on the go is absolutely essential to being a successful recruiter. Even if you are focused on a specific industry, youll still need to quickly pick up in-depth knowledge about a companys challenges, needs and opportunities and then quickly synthesize this information to identify the right job candidates. Great recruiters are intellectually curious and never stop learning.3 Youre okay with uncertainty. In the high-stakes world of executive recruiting, uncertainty may be the only guarantee. You cant control how your job candidate ultimately performs during the interview process, and you cant guarantee that your client ends up filling the job. Being at p eace with uncertainty and then instituting appropriate processes to manage this uncertainty is key to recruiting success.4 You know great communication starts with listening.Executive headhunters need to communicate clearly and effectively with a wide group of people. Rather than starting every conversation with a sales pitch, great communicators take the time to ask pertinent questions and genuinely listen to what their corporate clients and candidates have to say. When you take the time to listen, you are better positioned to serve as a true connector, building a bridge between clients and candidates and cultivating reciprocal relationships.If youre a recent college graduate, have you ever considered becoming an executive recruiter? I invite you to share your thoughts below.// // CDATA// CDATA// CDATA/* CDATA */ var google_conversion_id = 1054162282 var google_custom_params = window.google_tag_params var google_remarketing_only = true// // // CDATA// CDATA// CDATA//

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